We thought it would be a good idea to host FOUR off-site events during the already jam-packed AWP week – and it will be. Our events are listed on the AWP off-site events calendar and our FB page.
And, for those of you avoiding FB (we don’t blame you one bit!), here’s a quick-hit list of what’s what:
Wednesday, March 27: Books, Beer, Boogie: A Welcome Poetry & Dance Party! w/Write Bloody Publishing. 6:30-9:30 pm. NM Bodecker Foundation, 2360 NW Quimby Street, Portland, OR 97210 FREE – must register on Eventbrite
Thursday, March 28: No Grit, No Pearl. UHell Press Showcase. 7:30-9:30pm. IPRC, 318 SE Main St #155, Portland, OR 97214 FREE
Friday, March 29: Love Never Dies. Collab w/Spiderweb Salon, Spooky Girlfriend Press, Thoughtcrime Press. 7:00-10:00pm. American Legion Hall Post 134, 2104 NE Alberta St, Portland, OR 97211 FREE
Saturday, March 30: Press Battle! A Karaoke + Poetry War w/Write Bloody and Clash Books. 8:00pm-12:00am. The Waypost, 3120 N Williams Ave, Portland, OR 97227 FREE (donations happily accepted!)
Sunday, March 31: ZZZZZZZ = Priceless
UHell merch will be available at all events. We’re also installing ourselves at a crazy-fun booth w/Write Bloody at the AWP Bookfair, open to the public for only $5 on Saturday, March 30.
Come find us, Hellions!