Are you familiar with Hell?
Seriously, though, Hell was when we first started writing (Pre-Internet) and were seeking places to be published, scouring a giant 500-page directory and sifting through 2,000+ publishers to find any that might be a good fit, mailing them money to get a book or a zine of their work that we could read and review, then mail them samples of our writing with an appeal for their consideration, and then, hopefully, get any kind of reply, often a rejection, or maybe, just maybe, our work might get accepted. And then we would mail them more money just to get our own copy once published. The whole process might span years and yield only one poem published in some zine with zero distribution.
Obviously, in the Internet Age, we are spoiled. However, certain niceties were exchanged through the mail that should continue to be practiced today. Like, yes, of course, we’re interested in being wowed by your work, but how did you find us? Are you familiar with who we are? What we’ve produced? Have you read any of our books?
One of our expectant writers who sought a home with us once exclaimed, “I would kill to be published by a press with your name!” While we’re not actively collecting writers who would kill, we love this level of enthusiasm. (We did publish that writer, btw, twice.)
We are deliberately genre-less (we will consider any genre; we’re more focused on the quality of the writing), however, we tend to be drawn to nonfiction works that resonate with the human condition and are deftly expressed in any form that inspires you. Again, though, we would love to consider anything.
BOOK-LENGTH Submission Guidelines
Submissions are currently closed. Our recent submissions period ended May 31st, 2024. We continue to review the hundreds we received, and have already greenlit several stunning projects. We aim to reopen submissions in 2025.
ZINE Submission Guidelines
Our ZINE is currently on hold while we further flesh out what it is we want it to be. Stay tuned. We are aiming to launch this in 2026.
In the meantime, WRITE LIKE HELL